What is Ithmid Kohl?

What is Ithmid Kohl?

Kohl, also known as Asmad, Surma, Kajal or Tozali is an ancient eye cosmetic & medicine. It strengthens the eyes and acts as a cure-all for ocular diseases. Moreover, it has health benefits as well.

The use of kohl is a sunnah affirmed by the prophet (sallhu lhi wa sallam). It has several benefits that make one look more attractive.
It is a natural UltraViolet (UV) radiation blocker

Kohl is made from many different ingredients, but the most important is galena, a natural mineral form of lead and sulfur. When applied to the eye, it forms a layer that protects the lens and retina from UV radiation and the glare of sunlight. The kohl’s dark color absorbs the light, preventing it from reflecting into the eye and damaging it.

The kohl’s Pb2 + ions stimulate the keratinocytes in the eye to produce nitric oxide. This molecule promotes the development of new blood vessels and improves the immune system’s ability to fight infection. It also reduces intraocular pressure by dilating blood vessels.

This is why the Prophet Sly llh lyh wslm commanded that the men apply it to their eyes. Other types of kohl do not provide these health benefits and may contain harmful substances. Chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction confirmed that the main mineral in kohl stone is galena (PbS).
It brightens the eyes

Ithmid kohl (also known as surma or kajal) is used by both men and women in Muslim societies. It brightens the eyes and makes the eye lashes grow. It is also believed to help with vision, especially in the desert. It also helps reduce skin flaps growing on the eyelids and mange of the lash hairs. It is used for cosmetic purposes, but also as a religious obligation for both men and women.

In addition, kohl has been reported to increase blood flow to the eyes. This is a good thing, because increased blood flow can prevent macular degeneration. Ithmid kohl is able to do this by stimulating the body’s production of nitric oxide.

The prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam highly praised and affirmed the benefits of Ithmid kohl, classifying it as sunnah. He even commanded its use. There are several reports that he would apply it three times to the right eye and two times to the left eye, making a total of five applications.
It strengthens the eye lashes

Ithmid kohl contains ingredients that help to keep the eyes healthy and is also a great natural eyelash enhancer. Several hadiths have been narrated that it is mustahab to apply kohl before sleeping, as this is the sunnah of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). Ibn Abbaas radiyallahu anhu reports that the Messenger sallallahu alaihi and wsallam used to apply kohl three times in each eye before going to sleep.

It is important to note that only kohl made from ithmid should be used, as other types of kohl do not have the same properties and can actually be harmful. This is because rocks can vary significantly in their chemical makeup even though they have the same name, as demonstrated by the fact that some types of galena or iron oxide rock are not suitable to be made into kohl. In fact, some of these types of rock may be toxic. This is a well-known concept in chemistry.
It protects the eyes from harmful UV rays

The lead sulfide in the kohl powder absorbs UV rays and helps prevent eye damage from sunlight. It also stimulates the eyes’ natural production of Nitric Oxide, which is a powerful antioxidant that can protect against oxidative stress. It is therefore important to choose a quality kohl that contains no lead, and is free of any other harmful chemicals.

It is a sunnah of the Prophet (saws) to use kohl in both men and women, and it has many benefits. In addition to protecting the eyes from the sun, it can also protect the body from harmful elements like pollution, dust, and germs. It also helps to grow the eye lashes and makes them longer, and it is good for the skin around the eyes.

However, it is worth noting that there are some modern products that are sold as “kohl” but do not actually contain any of these beneficial ingredients. Some of them are even contaminated with dangerous elements like cadmium, which is banned in Europe. ithmid kohl


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