How to Becoming a Shaman Among the Saigas

How to Becoming a Shaman Among the Saigas

The Internet revealed several courses for becoming a shaman that was offered by colleges and universities or carried college credits. The courses showcase basic shamanic healing, energy healing, earth-based spirituality, shamanic journeying, and ways to develop spiritual abilities, gain soul knowledge, learn shamanic wisdom through mask making becoming a shaman and learn how to enter non-ordinary reality for healing. What does it take to become a shaman? Is it through college courses, seminars, or weekend retreats? Unfortunately, no.

Shamanism: Its Roots

Although there is no clear connection between shamanism and any one culture, experts believe that the word “shaman” comes from the Tungus tribe of Siberia. Shaman literally means “one who knows,” since the noun is formed from the verb *a, which means “to know.”

Villoldo points out that although the term “shaman” has mystical connotations, it is not necessarily tied to any particular religion or belief system. He says that many people consider shamanism a religion. Even though many people identify as members of organized religions as well as shamans around the world, shamanism is a spiritual practice.

It is said that many formal religions derive their beliefs and practices from ancient shamanic traditions. Shamanistic practices can be adapted to various cultures, systems of government, and organized religious practices, according to Taking Charge of Your Health and Wellbeing, a holistic health site from the University of Minnesota.

What Are the Steps to Becoming a Shaman?

Here are the easy steps to becoming a shaman: please follow the easy steps.

  1. The first of the seven ways to become a shaman is through inheritance. From a family member who is a shaman, one may inherit shamanic power, knowledge, and skills. Teaching novices the ‘secrets’ of the trade involves passing down or passing on knowledge. It does not happen by reading the last will and testament.
  2. In addition, someone who has suffered a serious illness and experienced a miraculous recovery may be able to share his or her healing experience with others. Such a person would be a shaman. If the person who receives treatment from the previously ill person becomes well, that is the proof of the pudding.
  3. The third way is to pay attention to children who have special abilities in seeing, traveling, and healing. Upon reaching adulthood, a shaman will test them. They become a shaman if they are successful during the test.
  4. A person may also pay to undergo training. A shaman agrees to teach the ways of healing, including special ceremonies and the use of herbs. In this case, the teacher must be a well-known shaman, which will be costly. The training is also not an overnight or weekend activity. It usually lasts for several months.
  5. The fifth way involves being visited by a spirit and learning from it with the help of a shaman. Such visits usually occur during the night. This approach depends on the person’s willingness to receive spirit visitations. Shamans assist initiates in asking the right questions to the visiting spirit.
  6. In the sixth step, the individual goes into solitude for a few days or weeks. It could be an isolation chamber, a cave, a tent, or anything else that would provide absolute darkness and quiet. A person is not allowed to eat or drink during this time. The traditional “vision quest.” If you are to assume a shamanic role, a spirit makes itself known during this time.
  7. You enter a state of altered consciousness. There are many methods to achieve this, such as using drugs or binaural recordings like drumming or rattles. The individual experiences dismemberment during this altered state. When hallucinogens or sounds are used, a guide should be available during the altered state.



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